Being a ICT Council Member

When you are part of the Cagayan de Oro’s main ICT organization, we will be able to help you promote your products and services further through the various expos, conferences and business matching sessions held both locally and internationally. Your companies and staff will also be first to be invited to all organization led events, seminars and trainings.

The CDO ICT Business Council is supported by our government and development partners such as DTI (Department of Trade and Industry), The City Government, NTC (National Telecommunications Commission), TESDA, DOST-ICT Office, the NICP (National ICT Confederation of the Philippines), MinDA (Mindanao Development Authority) and BIMP-EAGA ICT.

We have a strong industry-academe relationship whereby we get to discuss and implement with the academe our requirements for manpower for our industry and likewise, the academe will be able to forward to us directly their concerns and additional trainings needed from the IT-BPM Sector.


*Listing in the official Council website and email circle;
*Representation in the CDO and National ICT-led and initiated activities;
*Participation to technology and industry updates, seminars and training;
*Join IT-BPM job fairs / careerexpo initiated by the ICT Council free of charge;
*Inclusion of names in the official listing submitted to universities / schools;
*Linkages and/or benchmarking with industry and academe;
*Access to shared ICT documents and calendar of activities;
*Connect with mainstream ICT networks for business exposure;

Steps to join the ICT Council

1. Fill up the form below and submit to us the scanned copies of your SEC, DTI Certificates and business permit.
2. Your application will be pending for approval by the CDO ICT Board on their next scheduled meeting.
3. Once approved, you will be sent a Statement of Account (SOA) for an annual membership fee: P5,000 general fee.

If you wish to talk to our officers and representatives, please fill out the contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible. You can also send us an email at

Important Things to Note

-Your company or your organization must be a duly registered organization with the DTI, SEC (for corporations) and Business permit in order to qualify for membership;
-Your company is expected to provide IT Products and Services or is related to the IT-BPM Industry
-Your application will be placed pending for review by the Council Board. Afterwhich, we will inform you of your application’s approval or reason for non-acceptance of membership application.


Click here to sign up