2018 Creative Digital Output Challenge

Participant Qualifications

  1. Individuals can now register for categories ABC
  2. Team registration is required for category D, minimum of 3 and maximum of 5 individual members
  3. Must be Filipino citizens from Mindanao
  4. Students and professionals can register
  5. Registration will be P100 for students; P250 for professionals (Registration is on a per person NOT per team basis)
  6. Food is NOT included so participants need to bring their own.
  7. Categories A-C will only have a maximum of 10 participants each. Category D may have as many submissions from teams as possible.
  8. The opening of submission of applications for Categories A-C will start on October 20, 2018.
  9. Chosen applications will be emailed back with confirmations.
  10. The entire challenge has limited slots so those who are registered and confirmed first will get the privilege to join the activities.

For inquiries, contact us at (088) 856 2242 or +63 917 704 6986

Overall Mechanics

  1. Old or pre-made output or product is not allowed.
  2. We require using your own voice-overs if there are any.
  3. Copyrighted art (characters, illustrations, backgrounds etc.) are not allowed. Need to produce original Art content from scratch. Free rigs and music are okay. If you use any free rigs or Music, you must credit the creator/artist at the end of your video.
  4. Participants can only submit one entry only per category.
  5. CDO ICT Business Council, partners and sponsors will have the copyright to all the submitted output. All entries will be publicly displayed on our site.
  6. We reserve the right to disqualify entries or participants that do not follow the rules.
  7. All entries will be viewed during the announcement of winners.
  8. Production and output of categories A, B and C will be done onsite, with the exception of category D.
  9. Participating individuals can use any open or commercial software / tool to accomplish the challenge.

Category A: Storyboard pitching based (Individual)


1st Prize – 8,000php
2nd Prize – 4,000php


  1. Limited number of participants will be allowed to participate for this category
  2. Venue will be at the DICT Skills Training and Internship Center
  3. Schedule of the challenge will start on November 24 (9AM – 5PM) and November 25 (9AM – 12PM)
  4. A theme will be provided on site before the challenge begins
  5. Production and finalization of output will be done onsite
  6. Storyboard must be done in digital form using any tool or software
  7. https://wonderunit.com/storyboarder/ is a free and recommended software to use
  8. Participant must bring his/her own equipment and devices
  9. After 5PM on Nov 24, all participants will need to stop what they are doing and must be willing to leave their equipment behind and resume the following day at 9AM
  10. On Nov 25, finalization will start by 11AM and submission of entries will be made by 12PM
  11. Pitching of storyboards will be done at the final venue before the announcement and awarding of winners

Criteria for Judging

  1. Content
  2. Creativity
  3. Relevance
  4. Pitch

Category B: 2D unique character designing based on theme (Individual)


1st prize – 10,000
2nd prize
 – 7,500


  1. Limited number of participants will be allowed for this category
  2. Venue will be at the DICT Skills Training and Internship Center
  3. Schedule of the challenge will start on November 24 (9AM – 5PM) and November 25 (9AM – 12PM)
  4. A theme will be provided on site before the challenge begins
  5. Production and finalization of output will be done onsite
  6. Entries MUST be rendered in full color with ORTHO.
  7. Participant must bring his/her own equipment and devices
  8. After 5PM on Nov 24, all participants will need to stop what they are doing and must be willing to leave their equipment behind and resume the following day at 9AM
  9. On Nov 25, finalization will start by 11AM and submission of entries will be made by 12PM
  10. Announcement and awarding of winners will be made at the final venue

Sample design for inspiration:


Criteria for Judging

  1. Originality (The degree to which the work is fresh and something we’ve never seen before)
  2. Quality (The effective use of the chosen media combined with the skill involved in production of the work)
  3. Aesthetic quality (design, composition, color/tones)
  4. Concept
  5. Complexity

Category C: 3D unique character modeling based on theme (Individual)


1st prize – 10,000
2nd prize
 – 7,500


  1. Limited number of participants will be allowed to participate for this category
  2. Venue will be at the DICT Skills Training and Internship Center
  3. Schedule of the challenge will start on November 24 (9AM – 5PM) and November 25 (9AM – 12PM)
  4. A theme will be provided on site before the challenge begins
  5. Production and finalization of output will be done onsite
  6. Entries can be submitted without any rendered color.
  7. Participant must bring his/her own equipment and devices
  8. After 5PM on Nov 24, all participants will need to stop what they are doing and must be willing to leave their equipment behind and resume the following day at 9AM
  9. On Nov 25, finalization will start by 11AM and submission of entries will be made by 12PM
  10. Announcement and awarding of winners will be made at the final venue

Sample design for inspiration:


Criteria for Judging

  1. Creativity (How the work breaks new ground in communicating its message)
  2. Quality (The effective use of the chosen media combined with the skill involved in production of the work)
  3. Originality (The degree to which the work is fresh and something we’ve never seen before)
  4. Composition/Layout (The visual balance, static or dynamic, of the various elements of your work)
  5. Visual impact (The effect of the project as a whole, often based on the first glimpse of the finished piece)

Category D: 10-second video with visual effects based on theme (Team 3-5 Members)


1st prize – 15,000
2nd prize
 – 10,000


“City of Golden Friendship”

  1. To be guided by additional concepts i.e. teamwork, business-friendliness, opportunities, people
  2. Logo may be animated/consistent with branding guidelines
  3. Must be apolitical.
  4. Content may be conveyed with minimum to no audio


  1. Limited number of teams will be allowed to participate for this category
  2. Opening of team registration and announcement of mechanics will be on October 20, 2018 at the CDO ICT Business Council Facebook page
  3. A concept and theme will be provided before the challenge begins
  4. Deadline for submission of entries for this challenge will be on November 25, 2018 at 12PM noontime.
  5. Once entries are submitted, they are considered final for judging and not subject for replacement.
  6. Entries beyond 10 seconds will automatically be disqualified
  7. Announcement and awarding of winners will be made at the final venue

Criteria for Judging

  1. Professional Quality
  2. Aesthetics
  3. Impact
  4. Originality
  5. Complexity
  6. Concept